Auckland members are strongly encouraged to participate in the second survey released by the Auckland Taskforce.

The Taskforce is in the process of developing recommendations and a report of the issues and proactive measures that can be taken to assist and relieve those working and living in Auckland.

It was clear from the first survey that there was support for moving shift start and finish times to avoid peak hour traffic. Rather than just recommend that shift times be altered, the Taskforce wanted to delve down further to see whether there was broad support for change, and if so what the change should be.

The survey also includes general demographic and financial information so that we can paint a picture of the life of a firefighter or comms centre worker in Auckland.

The survey is strictly confidential, we will only be accessing the answers – not who you are. You can skip questions if you prefer – but remember the more information we have the better evidence we have to push for assistance.

The questions are:

  • Your age band
  • Your fire area (3,4,5 or Comms/Training)
  • Do you rent or own?
  • If you own – you are asked a scale of average income per week spent on household mortgage (if relevant), the year you first purchased
  • If you rent whether you are in a flatting situation, how many people usually live in the household?
  • Where do you live (Auckland/suburb/town)?
  • Your personal gross income band?
  • Your total household income band?
  • Your average weekly food costs band?
  • Your average weekly travel costs band?
  • How long does it usually take you to travel and from work for a typical day and a typical night shift?
  • What time do you get to work for a typical day shift?
  • What time do you get to work for a typical night shift?
  • How many kms do you reside from work?

It is very important that all Auckland members participate as this survey will guide the recommendation on these issues.

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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Please read to the end.