All Auckland members covered by the NZPFU CEA will be sent a link to access the Auckland Taskforce Survey later today via their FENZ email address.

NZPFU representatives on the Auckland Taskforce have been visiting stations and workplaces promoting the upcoming survey which will provide the evidential basis of the issues our members are facing living and working in Auckland.

The survey is only two questions and is your opportunity to explain the issues that make it difficult for you to cope with living and working in Auckland, and just as importantly to list your ideas for possible resolution of those issues.

NZPFU supports the survey and we ask all applicable members to participate as this survey will be the evidential basis of the breadth of issues.

Obviously the NZPFU reps have been able to provide a list of issues they have experienced, or heard other members raise.

But this is your opportunity to make sure we have all issues recorded and collated and we want to ensure we have not missed any circumstances or ideas for possible solution.

In unity 
Wattie Watson 

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