Last night Graeme Colgan provided his draft recommendations to the NZPFU and FENZ.  The parties have until 5pm on Wednesday to provide a response with the intention of the Final Recommendations being provided this Friday evening.

The National Committee will be meeting this afternoon to discuss the draft recommendations, the points to be made in response and to prepare a strategy for the way forward pending the release of the Final Recommendations.

As previously notified the NZPFU and FENZ cannot release or discuss the draft recommendations.  The NZPFU has notified Mr Colgan and FENZ that we intend to provide to the members the Final Recommendations with the NZPFU National Committee views including the way forward.

The issue of whether the Final Recommendations will be made public is yet to be determined.

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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Please read to the end.