The facilitated mediation process is on track with Graeme Colgan intending to provide his final report and recommendations to FENZ and the NZPFU this Friday evening.   

The mediator’s draft report with recommendations was provided to FENZ and the NZPFU last Sunday night and the NZPFU National Committee has met a number of times to discuss and have provided a response to the draft report.   It is intended that the final report with recommendations is to be provided to FENZ and the NZPFU on Friday evening.  The National Committee (NCOM) will meet again on Saturday morning to discuss the Final Report and to finalise the Union’s position and plan moving forward.  

Friday (tomorrow):

NCOM and Local Officials will meet by zoom at 3pm on Friday afternoon (prior to the receipt of the final recommendations) to update on the process and to discuss the status of the industrial action that was suspended for this process. 

  • The NZPFU agreed to suspend the ongoing industrial action (known as the pink omnibus of bans) in good faith and FENZ withdrew its application in the Employment Relations Authority to enable the agreed facilitated mediation with Graeme Colgan to proceed.  
  • The agreement was to suspend the ongoing industrial action (omnibus bans) until the receipt of the final report on the 14th October 2022 and this will be discussed at the Local’s meeting on Friday afternoon.

Friday (tomorrow) night:

The mediator intends to provide the final report and recommendations to the NZPFU and FENZ on the evening of Friday 14 October.

  • In the final report the Mediator will outline how and when the final report and recommendations can be provided.  
  • The NZPFU has notified the Mediator it is the expectation of our members that we should be able to provide the full final report as soon as possible.   


A national notice will be sent out to update all members detailing when we can send out the final report and recommendations, and the NZPFU analysis including our view of the way forward.


The NZPFU is organising membership meetings to be held by video conference from Sunday onwards.  The level of detail of information provided at those meetings will be dependent on the Mediator’s instructions regarding the distribution of the report and recommendations.

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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