C.A. Negotiations

The Union (Steve Warner, Peter Hallett, Peter Nicolle, Ian Wright, Jim Ryburn, Denis Fitzmaurice, Boyd Raines and Derek Best) ‐ Mike Powell being unable to attend, met with the employer’s Bargaining Team (Janine Hearn, Brian Butt, Brett Warwick, Kerry Gregory, Larry Cocker and Brendan Nally) with the assistance of Mediator Mike Feely on 13 December.

The significant issues discussed involved the question of the increase for Wages and Allowances, and the employer’s claim for Alternative/Flexible Rostering System.

Discussions subsequently shifted to possible changes to allow the most useful use of any additional staff to cover vacancies – that is – alternatives to any Flexible Rosters.

The Union’s negotiating team sees that some progress was made and the employer agreed to formally forward to the Union, a formal proposal for consideration.

Once this is done, it is likely a further negotiations meeting, with the assistance of the Mediation Service, will be needed.

Christmas Pay

The Union has been advised that:

  • Pay 20 due 28 December will be available in Bank Accounts on 24 December.
  • Pay 21 will be paid on normal due date of 11 January.

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