The Union and the Fire Service met again on 4 April 2011.

It should be noted that there have been delays in recommencing meetings because of various personsf involvement with the Christchurch Earthquake.

The Union negotiators have made clear their belief that there is little enthusiasm for the various Flexible Rostering proposals. Discussions therefore focused very much on a Pay Increase and necessary changes to Parts 3 and 4.

The Fire Service is considering a proposal that the Committee can put to members.

It is likely that the next step will be member meetings to consider a proposal that the Committee will be able to recommend or not for ratification.

Gifting Leave

All members will be well aware of the events that have unfolded in Christchurch. More than fifty NZPFU membersf homes have been severely damaged or destroyed.

The NZFS have and are providing as much time as necessary that these members require ensuring their immediate requirements are being taken care of.

The Union has been in negotiations with the NZFS seeking to come up with a scheme where members throughout New Zealand could gift one or more of their own discretionary leave shifts i.e. DIL, Alt Day, Service Leave etc, not USLfs, to a pool able to be used by Christchurch Firefighters for their longer term needs. This type of scheme has not been possible in the past and has taken time to organise for which credit and thanks are extended to the NZFS for making this possible.

As stated, the Fire Service are providing those severely affected with leave as required, however the effects on many Christchurch members will be long lasting.

By gifting one or more of your discretionary leave shifts it will enable Christchurch members to take extra time as required to either attend to business in Christchurch or take advantage of some time away with their families out of the area, perhaps in some of the free accommodation offered by our members and others.

The Union understands that many members may have already contributed in some way to assist Christchurch members. Some members will be able to assist further by participating in this proposal. Some members will be wondering how they can help ] here is a way that wonft cost the individual a lot in monetary terms but will mean so much for those members in need.

It is proposed that the allocation of the leave accumulated in this pool will be administered by the Welfare Team set up in Christchurch to look after members, in which the NZPFU is well represented.

Members who wish to donate leave in this manner are asked to e]mail their Area Manager with the details of the number and type of leave they wish to donate. The e]mail needs to be copied to the Union at or

The NZPFU encourages all members to participate in this option of assisting our Brother and Sister Firefighters in Christchurch.

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