The NZPFU has confirmed with FENZ that all staff who are required to self-isolate as a result of travel and/or Government instructions will be granted special leave. If the person self-isolating becomes ill during that period the leave changes to sick leave.
If NZPFU members have family that are required to self-isolate but the member hasn’t travelled, then please follow the Ministry of Health Guidelines https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/covid-19-novel-coronavirus
Attached is an email from FENZ CEO Rhys Jones to all staff.
The NZPFU has asked for FENZ to address a range of other issues including operational matters in clear communications. This communication does not answer the many issues and questions being raised.
In addition to travel restrictions for FENZ and Union matters, it is the NZPFU position that all non-emergency duties that require contact with groups of people including community and school visits should cease immediately until further notice. We see this as a sensible and practical precautionary approach.
We have also informed FENZ that precautionary measures for response have not been clearly advised and that current information on operational matters is insufficient.
We understand that this is a changing environment and largely reliant on Government decisions and instructions. However, the range of issues being raised need to be addressed.
FENZ expects to provide more detailed information tomorrow including through a FAQ process.
We are continuing to push FENZ for operational preparations for a range of scenarios to be communicated clearly.
In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary