Christchurch Labour MP Poto Williams understandably has much to do in supporting her community at this time.
But today she also made time to meet with us and hear from Alex Forrest’s experiences and his expertise.
Poto is a great supporter and we will be working with her to gather a group of Members of Parliament from across the political spectrum to champion presumptive legislation to recognise firefighters occupational cancer.
Today was a big day with station visits to Wigram and Woolston fire stations, a visit to our Christchurch communicator/dispatchers in their workplace and we will meet firefighters at central city station tonight. Alex Forrest has taken every opportunity to meet our members to educate about the campaign and promote occupational hygiene.
We also visited St Albans fire station but the crew were out protecting the community.
Tomorrow Alex will be taking the campaign to Invercargill and Dunedin.