Attached for your information are the updated Govt. Expectations for Pay & Employment Conditions in the State Sector.
These are, in effect, the instructions given to the Fire Service Commission.
What the Union would see as critical consequences of these instructions include:
- Bargaining outcomes should deliver organizational and sector performance improvement, foster continuous improvement and productivity enhancement, support effective employee engagement and achieve results, as identified in the organization's and sector's Budget Plan and Welfare Strategy (or equivalent).
- Adjustments must be affordable and sustainable within baseline funding and should not lead wider labour market movements and trends.
- Market relativity and/or cost of living adjustments will not suffice as the sole basis for pay adjustment - specific business imperatives (such as improved performance and demonstrate recruitment and retention difficulties) are required.
- Backdating of any or all components of adjustments to pay and conditions (either through effective date or lump sum payments) is generally not favoured.
Please read this Document carefully so you can understand what the Fire Service Commission's position is required to be in the forthcoming Collective Agreement re-negotiations.