Firefighters are set to join forces with other embattled workers as the protest movement escalates.

Firefighters from throughout Auckland and from as far away as Christchurch will support Ports of Auckland workers and join their rally tomorrow.

NZ Professional Firefighters Union, Auckland Local President Mike McEnaney says firefighters want to show their support and solidarity for port workers and will walk side by side in Saturday’s public rally.

“The actions of the port company in this particular dispute virtually mirror those of the NZ Fire Service who in a similar vain, with the backing of the National Government in 1996, tried to sack all firefighters in an attempt to force them on an individual contract” McEnaney says.

“We're seriously concerned that the Fire Service at the moment is positioning itself to attempt the same sort of despicable stunt with firefighters - no doubt with the backing of the current National government.”

Hundreds of firefighters, who are fed up with their own lengthy negotiations, are expected to join the protest.

Firefighters understand the turmoil and stressful times for the families of the sacked port workers and they will be there to support them.

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