The Auckland Local Committee is pleased to announce that the NZPFU National Council of Secretary Wattie Watson, President Ian Wright and Vice-President Joe Stanley will be flying up to Auckland on Monday 29th April to do some Station visits and meet with the Auckland Local Committee.

The schedule for Monday 29th April is:

11:30 - Avondale Station
15:30 - Papatoetoe Station

Unfortunately due to a busy schedule and other meeting commitments they are only able to be here for the day before having to return home that night. They will returning to Auckland for an expanded visit, including the North Shore at a later date.

We strongly encourage those members that are able, to attend one of these times to meet with, and ask any questions you may have for our National Council members.

Can we please ask that the SSO’s manage any cover moves as required to allow as many on duty members as possible attend one of these times.

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Please read to the end.