Further to Newsletter No. 8 – 14 March 2011.

The Fire Service has complied with the Employment Court Order to provide the particulars of the Back‐pay made for the six named plaintiffs. (This is what the Union was seeking all along).

This Court Order and the subsequent supply of the information by the Fire Service is very important and sets a very significant precedent regarding the employer’s obligations.

In addition, there is unlikely to be a repeat of the employer’s behavior which led to this bizarre dispute as the employer indicated very early in the dispute that it will provide proper details in relation to future back‐pays.

The Court, when making its Order to require the Fire Service to provide the necessary information, did so in reliance on the undertaking from the Union that once certain details were provided, this would lead to a resolution of the dispute.

Accordingly, and in accordance with the Court’s approach, the Union now ‐

Recommends that all members who have not commenced re‐payment to now commence re‐payment.

The Union also repeats that information disclosed by the Fire Service suggest possible under‐payments (and if there turns out to be under‐payments), will be dealt with separately and if necessary in separate proceedings.

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