Members are advised that the Local Executive, with Derek Best, met with regional managers to discuss where the 24/7 crewing would come from when the new station is built.

Regional managers stated their position is there is no money for any new staff to be employed for Paraparaumu. They went on to advise of 4 variations they are considering using existing staff within Wellington and Hutt Districts. These are:

  1.  Using the whole of Rimutaka or Trentham crews, leaving the upper valley with only one paid crew.
  2. Using the BA/Hazmat crew and the J’ville Yellow watch crew and 4 positions presently at Paraparaumu.
  3. Using 3rd person from Snorkel and Yellow watch and positions presently at Paraparaumu leaving 2 short. This would involve a new 2 person aerial to replace the Snorkel.
  4. Or, using any variation of the above.

Regional managers produced some figures to show that Wellington and Hutt districts were overstaffed but upon investigation by the Union these figures were woefully inaccurate.

They brought out figures relating to the ratio of paid FF's per head of population in each District.

The Union's figures (Wgtn 1356:1 Wgtn 1157:1) show clearly that Wellington is not over-resourced compared to other localities. The overall figure is around that for Auckland City Central, Tauranga/Kawerau (with 1 extra Truck - ratio - 1481.1, Rotorua/Taupo, Palmerston North, Napier, Hastings, New Plymouth and Gisborne.

The ration is significantly worse than Dunedin, Invercargill, Wanganui, Whangarei and Timaru. (Info courtesy D Best)




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Please read to the end.