Pay Review Working Party

Further to Newsletter No. 27 – 25 July 2012 and No. 31 – 15 August 2012.

The Working Party has met on a number of occasions and Hay Group has been retained as consultants to the Working Party. Detailed discussions have been held with Hay Group to establish what the parties will need to do and to clarify and detail information they require.

A smaller sub-group of the Working Party will establish and finalize detailed Job Descriptions for SFF and S.O. ranks shortly. As well, Hay Group is currently obtaining information from various employers for comparative purposes.

It is expected that by mid October, Hay Group will be in a position to report to the Working Party.

Drager B.A.

Further to Newsletter No. 32 – 3 September 2012.

The Union reiterates its comments and advice as in Newsletter No. 32.
The Fire Service has made it clear that, because of a “Total Care” approach to the maintenance etc. of the new B.A and contracted to Drager, the Fire Service has no need for certified/trained B.A. Technicians.

As that Newsletter noted, and this is becoming even more apparent, significant problems are being experienced.

The Union’s position is very clear and has been communicated strongly to management –

  • No repairs/maintenance of the new B.A. is to be done by members.
  • In any event, any repairs, servicing or testing of B.A. can only be done by Certified B.A. Maintenance Technicians.

EMQUAL Trainee Satisfaction Survey

EMQUAL (previously FRSITO) have advised the Union that their Biennial Trainee Certification Survey is about to commence.
The Union understands the questions are consistent with those asked previously. The survey is undertaken by an independent third party and EMQUAL does not receive information that would identify any individual’s response. Participation is voluntary.

The Survey was sent out on 1 October and has a close off date of 31 October.

Trainee members are encouraged to respond.

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