Pay Review Working Party

Further to Newsletter No. 27 - 25 July 2012. This Working Party met further on 13 August 2012.
Good progress was made including selecting the (subject to finalizing of details), preferred contractor to assist with the necessary bench-marking exercise.

The Working Party also advanced the detail of the necessary activities of position descriptions both present and historical, that will allow effective and accurate job evaluation.

There is intended to be more detailed discussions with the preferred contractor to further scope out with them the necessary work we wish them to undertake.

Presidential Election 2012

Below is a self-explanatory NTM the Christchurch Local has distributed to its members

Police Collective Agreement Settlement

Members may have read and heard in the media, details of the Police Assn. settlement.
As far as pay is concerned the details are:

  • A 3 year term;
  • Pay increase of 0% for the first year;
  • Pay increase of 1% for the second year;
  • Pay increase of 2% for the third year.

This settlement does unquestionably put into context the pay increases our Collective Agreement settlement delivered.

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Annual General Meeting

Members are advised that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, notice is given for the Auckland Local Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 23 August 2024.


Due to the recent resignation of the Taupo Local Secretary, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

Election of Northcom Representative - Auckland Local Committee

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Northcom Representative – Auckland Local Committee, the following nomination has been received.