Members should be aware that during the last month or so, P.C.A. training runs through the course, either at Mt Wellington or Takapuna, have not been carried out as regularly as they were previously in the summer months.

The Fire Service has now committed to an indoor venue, which will make it extremely helpful to be able to undertake training runs on days when weather conditions would previously have precluded this.

This Notice to Members is to advise that in the near future you may be asked to attend either your first or second training run through the course. The formal test is not intended to take place for individuals until the bulk of members have been through the two training runs.

The new venue is in Manukau. The outdoor venues at Takapuna Station and Mt Wellington Station will still be used from time to time.

The Union has advised the Fire Service that we will make every effort to have the majority of our members complete the P.C.A., that being two training sessions and their formal test, by about the end of the year. The Union is seeking members’ assistance with this and when you are asked to attend a training session, it would be appreciated if every effort could be made on your behalf to be present.

Members will be kept informed of any developments. If you have any queries, you should contact the Union Office in the first instance.

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