Positive Pressure Ventilation
The Union is advised that training on P.P.V. has or is planned to occur at many Brigades.
The Union has significant concerns at this proposal to introduce P.P.V.
Some months ago a number of National Committee members attended a demonstration of P.P.V at Whangarei. None were satisfied with the demonstration and a number of concerns were raised with the Fire Service. These particularly related to:
- Communications while using P.P.V.
- Guarantee of the necessary crew levels to safely operate P.P.V.
The Union has had no information that these concerns have been addressed.
Consequently, the Union strongly recommends to members not to become involved in any capacity with this training on P.P.V.
Performance Information Centres
These Centres, which are essentially a Board which charts Watch, Station and District achievements of Station Business Output targets, have been proposed to be trialled and introduced by the Fire Service.
A trial was attempted last year in Eastern Regions.
It was obvious that this is nothing more than a tool to detail comparisons between Watches, Stations and Districts.
Fundamental underpinnings on the introduction of S.M.S. included:
- S.M.S. founded upon consultation, partnership and agreement between the Union and the Fire Service.
- Any monitoring should explicitly exclude making comparisons.
These proposed Performance Information Centres clearly are not in accordance with these principles.
The Fire Service appears to have accepted this, to the extent that they do not intend to site any on Stations. They are to be located at Region and Area headquarters.
Consequently, the Union’s strong recommendation is that members have no involvement in the updating of any information required for these Performance Information Centres.