Members are reminded of the importance of calling for an aerial appliance to respond early in an incident if one has not already been dispatched by Firecom.

A priority message requesting the attendance of one shall immediately be transmitted if, in an Officer’s opinion, such appliance could be of benefit to them for ANY reason.

For the health and safety of our members and the members of the public and operational efficiency, the Auckland Local strongly suggests to Officers, that if responding to a first alarm in the Central Business District Area; or any other building or incident that an aerial could be a benefit to a successful outcome, and that an aerial is not on the turnout, that one is immediately called for by means of a priority message. This decision is made solely to ensure the safety and wellbeing of firefighters and the public.

Should Officers face questioning from Management for following the above suggestions, the following advice shall apply:

If approached by Management, members are advised to ask if the discussion is to be about aerial response, and if so, stop the discussion until such time that you can ensure you have a Union Representative attend.

If you have any queries on the above advice, do not hesitate to contact one of your Local Representatives.

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Please read to the end.