Response Cuts To Sprinklered Building

The Union refers to the common Notices put out last week by Regional Managers.

Such a crude attempt to put pressure on officers is only to be expected, but disappointing.

Regional Managers, as well as the Chief Executive/National Commander, know full well that the Instruction implementing the cut in response to Sprinklered Buildings is based on a lie.

No National Standard Risk Management Assessment has been carried out on the affected buildings.

A few Sprinklered Building Risk Assessment forms (RD2‐2a) were initially completed some months ago by Operational Officers.

However, in every case where the outcome was no reduction, the assessments were rejected. In some localities Operational Officers were not even asked to complete these forms.

That is the reason why participation in this assessment was ceased.

Why would participation continue if it was quite apparent that the assessment outcomes would be ignored?

The National Instruction is therefore based on a lie – this being the claim that a proper assessment of buildings as is required has occurred.

The Union sees that any Instruction that is based on a lie cannot be lawful. That is principally why the Union issued the advice - Officers on 1st responding appliances to Sprinklered Buildings, if a 2 pump response is created, to immediately upgrade the response to Structural Fire.

This advice stands

The second reason for this advice is it enables compliance with Local High Rise Procedures.

These procedures issued by Area Managers (then Chief Fire Officers) are themselves lawful instructions. They have not been withdrawn.

The choice officers have therefore is complying with what is clearly a lawful Instruction – Local High Risk Procedures, or complying with an Instruction based on a lie.

It is not possible to comply with both Instructions.

The Union’s advice therefore ensures compliance with the unquestionable lawful Instruction, that of your Area Manager (The Chief Fire Officer).

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Please read to the end.