The NZPFU and PSA have now engaged with FENZ and aware that members affected by the changes will be briefed this week prior to an announcement on Thursday. The unions are working jointly to respond to FENZ and will also be seeking feedback from members over the coming weeks.
As previously advised, we suggest the following course of action but also aware that groups will have met today without our direction.
We understand members previously identified by FENZ as “affected” or “impacted” have received invitations to outline the implications of the decisions on their permanent or seconded positions.
Union members are advised to request representation from your Local officials or delegates to attend any such meeting. No one should meet with their manager or employer on matters regarding their position or terms and conditions of employment without representation. The meeting should be held at a time that your representative can attend. If your union representative can’t attend then the meeting needs to be rescheduled.
You are entitled to record the meeting provided you inform all attendees it is being recorded. If you wish to record the meeting and the participants refuse to agree to the meeting being recorded, stop the meeting and state you cannot attend on that basis.
Declare at the start of the meeting that you are attending only on the basis that this is to be an information meeting. You are only attending to be provided with the decision and the implications on your permanent or seconded position. This is your opportunity to ask questions and get as much information as possible on job descriptions, appointment processes, and timelines including key dates.
Ask for all information provided verbally to also be provided in writing and sent to you email.
Stop the meeting if the Manager attempts to seek information from you. This is not a meeting to discuss your personal circumstances or preferences, or what you intend to do as a result of the impact on your role.
It is very important that members do not agree to any change in their employment without first seeking advice from their union representative.
Even when the security of employment is not in jeopardy, this will be a stressful time for those involved. Please ensure you are informed by your manager how you can access all support as necessary including paid leave, counselling and mental wellbeing assistance.
Please be assured that your union and officials will continue to engage with FENZ to review proposals and processes to ensure members interests are at the forefront of any further decisions. We will keep you updated and seek your feedback over the coming weeks. We will be reviewing legal avenues to address any technical issues where we are unable to get agreement with respect to the substantive issues.
In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary
Keith McFadyen
PSA National Organiser