Members, particularly in Manukau District, will be aware the Local used the Official Information Act to request details of all transfers over the last two years in Manukau District.

The information supplied identified over 40 transfers that were directed into positions. Clearly this number is excessive and is not within the intent of the policy. These postings were in all cases actioned without any vacancies being advertised. The Auckland Local believes this action to be a deliberate and planned breach of the Employment Agreement requirements. Such breaches will not be tolerated and do not, in any way, allow for trust and confidence in Management if this type of action is allowed to occur.

Members should read the transfer policy contained within their Collective Employment Agreement to understand that it protects them by laying down policy and procedure in a manner that is fair to all. Any actions that circumvent the provisions of the Collective Employment Agreement are unlawful and disadvantage individual members and indeed the New Zealand Fire Service. It is incumbent on all members to ensure that all provisions made under the Collective Employment Agreement are adhered to.

The Local, in correspondence with Management, reserved the right to challenge any or all of those directed transfers. The Local sought only to have the most recent vacancy advertised in accordance with the provisions of the transfer policy. The Local also sought assurance from Senior Management that the policy and provisions of the Collective Employment Agreement relating to transfers would be adhered to.

Senior Managment has:

  • given the Local the assurance it was seeking, and 
  • agreed to advertise the position.

Other members who have concerns over the interpretation and operation of the Transfer Policy who feel that they may have been disadvantaged in some way by the actions of Chief Fire Officers not complying with the requirements of this policy, should contact the Union.

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Annual General Meeting

Members are advised that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, notice is given for the Auckland Local Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 23 August 2024.


Due to the recent resignation of the Taupo Local Secretary, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

Election of Northcom Representative - Auckland Local Committee

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Northcom Representative – Auckland Local Committee, the following nomination has been received.