Members have been previously advised that the 9 October pay will include the 2% pay increase, and that the backpay (1 July 2019-9 October 2019) will be paid on 23 October 2019.

In accordance with the Rules and the 2015 Annual Conference resolution which determined union fees are calculated on the rate of 0.75% of the weekly wage of a Senior Firefighter (Grade 1) with 10 years’ experience, union fees will increase from 9 October 2019 to $22.44 a fortnight.

Part 4 members have been notified of the process of ratification for the proposed variation that will address the pay disparity and provide a 5% pay increase (and then the application of the 2% pay increase) with the removal of clauses 4.2.4 Qualification Bonus, 4.2.5 BA filler, 4.2.5 TELARC Qualification and 4.2.7 Tradesperson’s Work allowances from Part 4. If you are covered by Part 4 of the FENZ NZPFU collective agreement and have not received an email please email the union office via If the variation is ratified the new remuneration rates for Part 4 will apply as of 1 July 2019.

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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Please read to the end.