The NZPFU membership extends its heartfelt condolences to the family of NZPFU Past President Gordon Duncan who passed away this morning.

Gordon was intimately involved in the formation of the national union in the mid-1980s and was our second National President.

Serving one term as President from 1993-1996, Gordon was President when firefighters fought reduction in their numbers with a citizens-initiated referendum, the first ever of its kind in New Zealand, held in 1995.

Gordon was bestowed Honorary Life Membership in recognition of his valued contributions to our union in 1999.

A Senior Firefighter on Red Watch at Wellington City Station, Gordon moved to Paraparaumu following the establishment of career firefighters stationed there.

Gordon is the first Union President to have passed away. 

Gordon's funeral will be held 11am Thursday 6th June at Kapiti Coast Funeral Home, 9 Hinemoa Street, Paraparaumu.

Ian Wright

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