Members may be aware that recently there has been some debate about the correct standard of dress to be worn while attending fire calls.The Auckland Local advises members to follow the following guidelines when responding.
- When responding to structure fires, including PFA calls, which are fires until proven otherwise,all crew members, excluding the driver, must be completely dressed in structural ensemble including flash hood. Obviously helmets should not be worn whilst inside the vehicle. The driver should drive in whatever apparel he or she considers to be the safest for them.
- Immediately on arrival, or as soon after as practicable, the driver must dress in full structural apparel including flash hood and helmet. The reason for this is that the Auckland Local considers that the American 2 in 2 out safety system should apply in all structural incidents, and the driver is part of that system.
- The Auckland Local realises that there will be circumstances where the wearing of full structural firefighting clothing may not be appropriate, however, the decision to “dress down” rests solely with the Officer in Charge of the appliance or incident. These incidents may include things like lift rescues or flooding calls, where the bulk of structural firefighting clothing may impede the wearer in the performance of the task at hand. However, the decision still rests with the Officer in Charge.
- The Auckland Local Committee would advise officers that the wearing of Level 1 jackets should be tightly controlled and not allowed in any circumstances where the wearer may have to enter a structure or be involved in any close proximity to severe radiant heat.
- The wearing of Level 1 jackets at motor vehicle fires is absolutely forbidden and it has been noted that certain Brigades have been carrying out this practice routinely. This is very dangerous and must not be allowed. Members are asked to report any cases of this being done to their Health and Safety Representative or any Auckland Local Committee member, who will pass it on to the Regional Occupational Health and Safety Committee for action. It would also be advisable to advise the Officer in Charge of any crew that is performing this hazardous action, that it should immediately cease.