Ratification Meetings
The National Union is still working with the Fire Service on the final wording in the proposed collective. Members will be advised as soon as possible when the ratification meetings will take place for the Wellington Local.
BA Tender Response
Submissions were made to the Regional Management Team some weeks ago regarding the non response of the BA tender to all second alarm structure fires.
The Management team disagreed with the Local Union and consequently it remains on 3rd alarm response.
Members are therefore reminded to make it up at the earliest should they require it.
Regional management did say that if the building/s required its response on the 2nd or even 1st alarm, this could be achieved by writing to the CFO advising of any special circumstances or risk that would warrant its earlier response.
There appears to be some sort of training programme in the pipeline regarding the risk identification etc. The Local is interested if this will be of any advantage to the public and its members.
Local Committee Reps
Nominations are called for members to be part of the Local Union Committee. There will be 6 from Wgtn District and 3 from Hutt District. Please use the nomination forms attached to this e mail.
Acting Secretary
Morgan Wills is the Acting Secretary for the next 4 weeks. Members are reminded to direct all correspondence and queries to their respective Local representatives in the first instance, those Reps will then make contact with the President, Vice Pres and Secretary.