
 Members should be aware that training / practice evolutions for the PCA will be conducted later this year.

No participation will occur in these evolutions until elected representatives / assessors are on scene and supervising the process, nor will they commence until John Rowe and John Jackson (DCFO City) have assessed the set up.

The Local’s representatives / assessors are:

John Rowe  Red   Porirua  
Mike Tofts  Brown   Porirua  
Selwyn Cubis   Red  Hutt 
Jeff Keeys  Blue   City  
Steve Field   Blue   City  

John Rowe is the coordinator for the practice runs and times will need to be organised through him. John will be making up a roster for practice periods.

Any member that has a question regarding the process can contact John direct, in writing, and he will publish a fact sheet.

Local Representatives

Members are reminded that the following members are your elected Local Union Representatives. These members are your first point of contact regarding any issues you think might need Union involvement.

Jeff Keeys   President  
Morgan Wills  Vice President  
Ian Wright  Secretary  
Shane Hegan   Wellington South  
Rob Hutcheson   Wellington South  
Steve Field   Wellington South  
Neil Olsen   Ex-oficio Wellington South  
Selwyn Cubis   Wellington North  
John Rowe  Wellington North  
Mike Tofts  Ex-oficio Wellington North  
Hamish Rankine   Hutt  
John Reynolds   Hutt  
Chris Flannigan   Hutt 
Leeanne Marriott   Comcen  

The Local has been asked to review its structure in relation to a more even representation across the three districts.

A proposal will be developed and presented to the committee for approval prior to elections August 2004.

Remits for Conference

For those that did not attend the ratification meeting and Local AGM, there was one remit to be forwarded to National Conference.

Moved Jeff Keeys
2nd’ Marty Benge

That the National Committee set up a working party to investigate the restructure of the National Union and its financial implications and to report back on findings and recommendations to Conference 2004

Carried Unanimously

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Annual General Meeting

Members are advised that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, notice is given for the Auckland Local Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 23 August 2024.


Due to the recent resignation of the Taupo Local Secretary, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

Election of Northcom Representative - Auckland Local Committee

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Northcom Representative – Auckland Local Committee, the following nomination has been received.