Greetings members,

I wish to inform you that I am resigning my position as your Local Secretary.

The last 9 or so years have given me a remarkable insight into so many facets of work life, human behaviour, relationship building and maintenance and the many faces of negotiation.

I have relished my time in this position and the work that has been done around the two districts and with the three or so regional managers in my time.

Unfortunately, holding two positions (central branch also) has increased my workload considerably and my work on the national committee has suffered as has some of the Wellington Local work.

I wish to remain available to the Wellington Local Executive, to support them through the transitional period and on a continuing basis as President of the Central Branch.

Union rules state that we will call for nominations in the very near future and hold an election should that be necessary.

I would like to thank all members of the Wellington Local Executive for their assistance and passion over my tenure, without these people our conditions of employment and life at work would have been severely endangered and probably have moved backward.

We appear to be in what appears to be a relatively stable state industrially at the moment, but we must remain ever vigilant, critically thinking about what management are wanting to implement, thinking of downstream issues for members presently employed and employed in the future. The Local executive needs your help to make sure mistakes of the past are not repeated.

My great fear at the moment and for the future of the Union is the lack of involvement of our younger members. We need to encourage and bring these people along, they are the future of the Service and the Union.

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