Winning NZPFU T-shirt Design

Congratulations to SFF Hayden Smith from Green Watch in Dunedin for his NZPFU t-shirt design competition winning design!

A number of fantastic designs were submitted and Hayden’s design was overwhelmingly the Council and the Conference’s favourite.

Members were asked to design a t-shirt that incorporated the NZPFU logo and a union slogan. Hayden’s design ticked all the boxes and is unique. The phrase “Te taura paihere” is derived from "Nga mimire o te taura e paihere" which in essence is the strands of the rope that unites which is right on point.

The Conference determined that every member will be given a t-shirt to all new members and all current members who have provided their personal emails and phone contacts to the Union.

At the time we launched the t-shirt competition we also requested all members provide their personal details, even if you did not want to submit a t-shirt design, and that one lucky member would be rewarded with a $100 voucher.

We are about to draw the $100 petrol voucher and to be in the draw we have to have your personal details.

If you haven’t done that make sure you email with your name, your Local, personal email address, and personal phone ASAP to be in the $100 petrol draw – and to make sure you are on the list for a free NZPFU T-shirt.

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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Please read to the end.