Ambulance Strike

Members will be aware that some St Johns Ambulance officers are taking industrial action by not attending non-emergency commercial events as a way of impacting St John’s income.

The NZPFU support the First Union’s Ambulance members taking this action and in case members are concerned, we have expressly told the National Operations Manager that our members will not be used in place of ambulance workers at these events. We don’t expect there to be any instances or problems.

Members are asked that they report any abuse of the MOU with St Johns to the Office. The MOU that is currently being reviewed, in terms of Union members, allows for Career Firefighters to respond to Purple calls only (apart from Silverdale).

Any diversion from this is a serious breach of the MOU.

We will keep members up to date should the industrial action change.

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Annual General Meeting

Members are advised that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, notice is given for the Auckland Local Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 23 August 2024.


Due to the recent resignation of the Taupo Local Secretary, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

Election of Northcom Representative - Auckland Local Committee

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Northcom Representative – Auckland Local Committee, the following nomination has been received.