The ratification process for the proposal to vary Part 4 of the FENZ and NZPFU Agreement for Uniformed and Communications Centre Employees commenced today.
Members covered by Part 4 (FRMOs, Trainers, VSOs) were sent an email this morning advising them of the ratification process.
The poll opened at 0900 this morning and closes at 1800 on 9 October 2019.
The proposed variation is to amend Clause 4.2.1 to include a 5% increase to align the remuneration rates with the market rate consistent with the PSA agreement and remove the applicability of Clause 4.2.4 Qualification Bonus, Clause 4.2.5 BA Filler, Clause 4.2.6 Telarc Qualification and clause 4.2.7 Tradesperson’s work allowances for Part 4 employees.
The realignment of the Part 4 remuneration rates is in addition to the 2 percent pay rise backdated to the 1 July 2019.
The NZPFU raised with FENZ the disparity in the remuneration rates for FRMOs, Trainers, VSOs, Senior FRMOs and Senior Trainers (NTC) when compared with the PSA agreement. The disparity has arisen as the FENZ and NZPFU Collective Agreement for Uniformed and Communications Centre Employees 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2021 includes allowances for Part 4 members that are not applicable to the PSA agreement, and the PSA agreement has applied a higher market rate by 5%. FENZ agreed to align the Part 4 members’ remuneration with the removal of the specific allowances.
No one is disadvantaged by the proposed variation and the vast majority of members covered by Part 4 will get an overall increase of 7.1% increase when the 2 percent salary increase is taken into account.
In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary