Auckland Members will, no doubt, wish to express their shock and sympathy to all Christchurch Firefighters and their families, following events in Christchurch in the past week.

To this end we request members, in line with the Northern Branch Notice NB/11-12, to open up their homes to the families of our Brother and Sister Firefighters who are working tirelessly in Christchurch.

The Auckland Office has established a register of members who are able to accommodate these families. It would be helpful if, when registering with the office, you advise the type of and suitability of your accommodation, taking into account family sizes and needs.

Please register your accommodation by email to the office at

The Auckland Office has made enquiries with the Ministry of Education regarding the ability for children to attend schools while in Auckland. The advice we received is that all children can attend school in the zone where they are residing with their temporary address being classed as a permanent address for the duration of their stay.

Our thoughts and prayers are with our Brother and Sister Firefighters in Christchurch at this very difficult time.

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Please read to the end.