Congratulations to Mark Leonard elected as Southern Branch Secretary and Rik Walsh elected as Central Branch Vice President.
Mark Leonard was elected unopposed. Rik Walsh was elected with 66 percent of the votes of eligible members. The Branch Returning Officers’ declarations are attached.
As a result of Mark Leonard’s election to the Southern Branch Secretary position he vacates the Southern Branch Vice President position. Nominations for the Southern Branch Vice President position will be called for shortly.
The elections resulted from the retirement of union stalwart Jim Ryburn, and Peter Harwood stepping down from the Central Branch Vice President position as he takes leave from FENZ.
The NZPFU greatly appreciates the commitment of Jim and Peter to the union. We acknowledge the thousands of hours dedicated to supporting and advocating for members, representing the union on working parties and committees, and their roles on the National Committee overseeing the governance of the union. This is all done in addition to their usual working duties and at great sacrifice to the time they can spend with their families.
Jim’s extraordinary commitment to the union and members over decades, and in particular to the welfare and wellness of members, will be recognised at a Union function to be held in Christchurch prior to his official retirement from FENZ. At that time we will also record in greater detail the extraordinary role that Jim has had in supporting members, particularly during the decade post the Christchurch earthquake, and his development of what has now become known as a welfare officer role.
In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary