The Auckland Local Committee advises that the Special Meeting called for Thursday 6 December at 10.30am is cancelled.
On Friday, both Sulu and John advised the Committee that they had instigated Court proceedings and to immediately cease all correspondence with, and
attempts to reach resolution with, the National Committee regarding their expulsions.
The Local Committee understands and respects their decisions, and wishes them the best in finding justice after their alleged unlawful expulsion.
Now these matters will be going before the Court, the Local Committee believes that in order to give the best possible chance for them to win, we must
cancel the Special Meeting. We do not want anything that is said or done to inadvertently jeopardise their chances of the best possible outcome.
We realise members will be disappointed in this decision, but hope that they understand it has been made with the best intentions for the pending Court
Members will continue to be updated via newsletter as required, and Committee members are available for questions, as always.