Electronic voting for the election of the Central Branch Secretary was launched yesterday (0800 Sunday 14 June) and will close at 1800 Monday 29 June 2020.

Only Central Branch Members are eligible to vote and would have received their secure invitation to vote in the election yesterday.

A dedicated electronic secure voting platform has been established. Voting is anonymous meaning that the confidentiality of any vote is maintained. FAQs on the use of the technology adopted by the NZPFU is available here.

The process for voting is as follows:

  • Central Branch Members will have received a secure invitation to their personal email address. If no private email was provided to the NZPFU the secure invitation would have been sent to their FENZ email address. The senders name is NZPFU and the email will originate from bigpulse.com.
  • To access the election, click the secure link provided in the email.
  • You can view a candidate's biography by clicking on the candidates name.
  • Select one checkbox by clicking the checkbox against a candidates name.
  • Finally, click the "Proceed to vote confirm page"
  • Optional vote receipt notifications can be selected before clicking "Submit Vote"
  • The system will not let you vote more than once.

If you did not receive the email, or have any issues accessing the link please contact the NZPFU Webmaster directly at: webmaster@nzpfu.org.nz

The previous Notice setting out the Conference Decision to conduct this election by electronic voting as a trial, the basis for the trial and the information on election voting can be viewed here.

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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