Christchurch Earthquake Response - Non USAR
Members will be aware that for those non USAR personnel deployed to Christchurch, a claim relating to overtime is required. Members and their respective Rosters Officers need to be aware that each claim needs to be done on a day to day basis comparing the roster they worked in Christchurch to their normal one. Anything outside of the normal roster can be claimed as overtime.
Union – Insurance Scheme
For a number of years now this Scheme (full details on the Union’s website), has provided a Head Sum of $53,000.
Although members have continued to pay a premium of $5.80 a fortnight, the actual cost for the past year has been $6.00. The difference has been met from surplus in the Insurance Account.
The Committee has considered the $53,000 Head Sum. As noted above, this has not changed for a number of years. Consequently, the Union Committee has determined to increase the Head Sum to $100,000 on and from 1 April 2011.
The premiums for this Head Sum for the year 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012 is $11.32 per fortnight.
The Committee has determined to hold the premium however for the 2011/2012 year to the existing $5.80 a fortnight, and again meet the increased cost from Insurance Fund surplus.
The premium for $100,000 cover will however increase to $16.52 on and from 1 April 2012. Members of the Scheme will be required to pay this premium – i.e. the subsidy will cease.
During the next few months therefore, members of the Insurance Scheme will be asked to provide a new Authority to deduct from pay the new premium level of $16.52 on and from 1 April 2012 to meet this new premium cost.
New members joining the scheme from 1 April 2011 will be required to pay the new $11.32 premium.
The Union notes that looking at the various quotes received by the Union’s Insurance Brokers, at $16.52 a fortnight for the $100,000 Head Sum, and given the extent of the cover (as per the Union’s website), the Insurance Scheme provides very good value.