Collective Agreement Clause 6.2.7 – Remuneration Rules for Firefighters & Officers

The Union and the Fire Service Working Party have met twice to advance the work to develop a revised remuneration structure for Firefighters & Officers.

Comprehensive Terms of Reference (attached) have been developed and agreed and these include the representatives from both parties on the Working Party.

As well, the Working Party has received a presentation from two external Consultancy Companies regarding their ability to carry out a bench-marking/job sizing study and it is likely one of these consultancies will be engaged to assist the work of the Working Party.

Maintenance – B.A. – New Sets

Members will be aware from Newsletter No.21 that the Fire Service opted for a Totalcare maintenance package from Drager. This is not a Totalcare (as with uniform), but more of a selected care package. The Union has requested a copy of the contract with Drager, but so far this has failed to appear.

The Union is unsure if this is because it appears to be changing as problems with new sets emerge.

The Fire Service wants some members to do basic maintenance of these new sets.

Advice to members remains the same – members should not be involved in any maintenance to do with any sets.

During trials for the new sets it became apparent that the fitting of sets into the brackets of seats was not considered, and in career Stations, where the sets have been deployed, the seats need modifying to accommodate the new sets.

Members are rightly asking for this work to be carried out urgently.

Many of the “seemingly minor problems” and maintenance contract should have been sorted out before the sets were deployed.

Any issues of concern should be communicated to Rob McMahon (the Fire Service’s Project Manager at with a copy to the Union Office.

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Please read to the end.