The Incident and Leadership development programme (ILDP) is a new Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) course (formerly Tactical Command).

Further to national notice dated 26 April 2018.

A request has been made by FENZ to the NZPFU -

  • To allow our members to continue to be involved in the development of this course up to the end of the first pilot scheduled for 10 days (27 August until 7 September 2018)
  • To allow members to attend a career officer only pilot course on the dates mentioned above (There will be 10-12 attendees)

The NZPFU has agreed to the FENZ request to ensure the final design and content is appropriate to match the skills qualifications and experience of attendees and to collect valuable feedback from those who may attend.

  • Any future involvement in the ILDP at any level by our members (training , development and attendees) after this pilot will not occur and is subject to further discussions between FENZ and the NZPFU.

Significant amounts of work has gone into developing an NZPFU Command and Control position paper. This paper will form the basis of future discussions on the following unresolved matters-

  • Command and control final policy.
  • Interpretation of various parts of the FENZ Act by FENZ and associated agencies and Unions.
  • Lateral entry into FENZ.
  • Recognition of differing levels of training, experience and qualifications across the country and how that affects course outcomes and attendees.

The NZPFU sees resolution of these important matters as critical to the successful outcomes of this new course and the best learning outcomes for all joint attendees as proposed by FENZ.

The NZPFU has been asked to provide some of these attendees and a notice will follow in due course. At time of writing a further Rural / Volunteer only pilot was being discussed.

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