The Incident and Leadership development programme (ILDP) is a new Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) course (formerly Tactical Command).

This course is a non-qualification course proposed to be 10 days in duration. The course is for all FENZ staff at the officer level and the course attendees will be a mix from Volunteer, Rural, Career and non-operational staff with an operational role (In LCC, RCC and NCC) working together on each course. The pilots are proposed to begin in June 2018.

The NZPFU has advised FENZ that our members will not attend this course until matters listed below have been progressed to an agreeable conclusion. The NZPFU see these matters as integral to the success of this proposed course and therefore must be resolved prior to any start date.

  • Command and control final policy.
  • Interpretation of various parts of the FENZ Act by FENZ and associated agencies and Unions.
  • Lateral entry into FENZ.
  • Recognition of differing levels of training, experience and qualifications across the country and how that affects course outcomes and attendees.

The NZPFU is involved in the course development. We see it as vital piece of the Integration phase moving forward, however, we wish to ensure that all course attendees, trainers and staff on the Incident ground have a very clear understanding of their rank / roles in order to maintain the highest levels of safety and service to our communities. 


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