The NZPFU Covid-19 group including the National Committee of Management, Local representatives, Covid-19 SMEs and SSOs/Comms reps met by telephone conference to update on any issues arising with Auckland region in Level 3 and the rest of the country in Level 2 from 6am today.

One of the new risks emerging is Covid Level fatigue. 

For our Auckland members this is the fourth time they have had to make significant changes to their working and personal lives due to the escalation of restriction.  The membership have done an admirable job and the Auckland Local and Auckland management is now a well-oiled machine in adapting to the new Levels with very little warning.  But that repeated change and the intensity of the work and considerations each time takes its toll.  For some it is the closure of schools that brings on new pressures, and the economic uncertainty of some industries or workplaces compounds that stress.

Covid Level fatigue may be a factor for those living and working in the rest of NZ as well.  For others the restrictions may not make a huge difference in their lives, but they are tired of the regular changes, restrictions and the ramping up to daily government briefings and the uncertainty of whether the restrictions will ease or extend.

We ask everyone to please be aware of possible Covid Level fatigue.  Those that have not previously been affected before might be suddenly very stressed or tired.  Usually calm and happy people might now have a short temper, are no longer upbeat, are impatient or energy levels down.  Small issues might now seem insurmountable or a trigger for conflict.  It is important that everyone takes care of themselves, and is aware of those around them.  Rest, nutrition and finding some time in your day to do something enjoyable (that is within the Covid-19 Level restrictions) even for a short time can make the difference. Sometimes you may need to take a break from work including union work.

If anyone is struggling, or concerned about anyone, please contact your Local representative or the National Secretary, President or Vice-President.

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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