Due to the recent resignation of the Taupo Local Secretary, Sean McAvinue, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union:


Nominations close on 5 November 2020 and must be delivered to the Branch Office by midday on that date.  No late nominations will be accepted.

Address to:              

Branch Returning Officer
NZ Professional Firefighters Union
P O Box 303 235
North Harbour
Auckland – or –

Email:  Auckland@nzpfu.org.nz

Proposers and Seconders must be financial members of the N.Z.P.F.U.

Attached to this notice is a sample nomination form to be used (or photocopied for use) which complies with Union Rule B.11.

Candidate Biography:

  • B.11.5
    Candidates shall be entitled to submit, with their nomination form, a biography to be published to members prior to the voting.  The biography shall not exceed one side of one A4 sheet of paper.  It may include a photograph if desired, and artwork and/or typewritten information.

  • B.11.5.1
    Candidates shall be entitled to submit biographies in typewritten form, or in clear hand writing, in which case the Branch Secretary shall arrange for the biography to be typewritten prior to publication.

Grant Mitcheson
Branch Returning Officer


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Please read to the end.