The Timaru Local were fantastic hosts for the NZPFU Annual conference held this week. Not only did they put on great weather but didn’t miss a beat with the welcome packs, venue, catering, events and organised events including the mystery day trip for the delegate’s partners.
We understand and appreciate the significant additional workload for a Local to host the conference and it takes a team for a seamless successful event. We thank the Timaru Local and NZPFU administrator Bonnie Tan for ensuring everything was well organised and went to plan.
It was a particularly special conference with immediate past President Ian Wright being awarded Life Honorary Membership. President Joseph Stanley sourced and presented a pounamu mere to recognise the significant commitment Ian has had for the Union for many years and has been instrumental in the benefits achieved for the membership in that time. Attached is a brief snapshot of his work in representing the NZPFU from 2000 with 10 years as Wellington Local Secretary and holding the positions of Central Branch Secretary, National Vice President and finally National President. Ian continues to work hard for the benefit of the members as a NZPFU FireSuper Trustee alongside Reuben Otto and Chair Denis Fitzmaurice.
As elected National President from 2018 until he stood down this year, Ian initiated significant change within the NZPFU including instigating the NZPFU Charter, wrote a regular blog to enhance communication with the membership and show leadership on a range of contentious issues, and lead the union through the first ever national strikes which resulted in a strong settlement that enhanced wages and conditions but also provided employer-funded income protection insurance and the occupational disease blood screening programme.

In presenting the Taonga, Joseph also recognised the sacrifices that Ian’s wife Sandie had made in her unfaltering support for Ian’s work
for the membership despite the constant phone calls and meetings impacting daily on previous family time.
The conference traversed a range of current issues and union plans, as well as hear from a range of presenters on programmes and work the NZPFU actively supports for the benefit of members:
- Ian Wright provided an overview and developments over the past year for Fire Super as Chair Denis Fitzmaurice was unable to attend this year.
- The NZPFU income protection provider ATC and Protect both sponsored the conference and presented on the first year of claims and coverage.
- Dr Lewis Ball who developed the occupational disease blood screening programme with the Christchurch Local provided insight into the reasons he included specific tests for firefighters/trainers/fire investigators and the evidence that underpinned his approach.
- Solicitor Angela Brown who acts on all the NZPFU member’s occupational disease claims walked the Conference through the ACC process including through the toxicology panel process and then through the Review process (as most are declined by FENZ on the recommendation of the toxicology panel) and Appeals as necessary. Angela’s presented step by step for the process and highlighted the significant legal and procedural impediments that ACC and FENZ rely on in the process that predominately leads to refusal. However, Angela has been hugely successful in reversing those decisions on the basis that the law has not been appropriately applied to the specific case by FENZ and ACC.
- Te Kiwi Maia co-founder Rebecca Nelson presented on the genesis, work and future plans of the organisation that provides a residential week-long holistic mental health programme for emergency responders. The NZPFU has a memorandum of understanding with Te Kiwi Maia and funds two NZPFU members attending the programme each year (we don’t influence or even know who those two members are) and are discussions with Te Kiwi Maia to determine what other support we may be able to provide. NZPFU member and former Tauranga President Brendon Dunn presented on his personal experiences that lead him to be part of the pilot Te Kiwi Maia programme and the positive impact it has had for him and his family.
- FENZ National Commander Russell Wood and Deputy National Commander Steph Rotorangi presented on diverse outline of work relevant to our membership, particularly operational projects. They faced some tough questions from the conference which Local representatives will be able to share with their membership.
The Union’s Audited Annual Report showed the Union was in a sound financial position with revenue up approximately $155,000 on the previous year (with strong interest rates making a significant difference), an increase in membership to 2040 (traditionally been about 1900) and a net surplus of about $440,000. We have actively building our reserves so that the Union is well placed to fund its activities including any battle necessary to protect and enhances the benefits for members regardless of the political environment or ideology of the employer.
The Conference is an opportunity to recognise and thank the Local officials for their dedication and commitment to their Local membership, and appreciate the work of the National Committee.
On behalf of the National President Joseph Stanley, Vice President Martin Campbell, we thank each and every official and representative for their work in representing members at a Local and Branch level, for those that are not elected officials but still that spend many hours on various projects, working groups and committees, and as nominated Subject Matter Experts. It is your work that ensures the health, safety and wellbeing of our membership remains paramount.
In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary