Independent Review of Workplace Practices

Further to NTM 26 July 2018 and the Union’s concerns regarding the process of the Bullying and Harassment review.

The Union has met and spoken with review lead, Judge Coral Shaw and expressed our concerns and we have been assured that they will be addressed.

In Part this can be witnessed with the addition of Mike Feely into the review team. We welcome the appointment of Mike Feely into the review team and we have every confidence in his involvement.

We have been consulted on the survey questions and have every confidence in the process and recommend to members that they complete the survey.

The survey has just gone live and can be completed on-line:

If anyone would prefer to complete it on paper they just have to request that by emailing the review team and they will send that out.

The email address is:

This e mail address and any information is confidential to the review team.

One safe all safe

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