J Rated tyres continue to be found on operational appliances in Auckland. J rated tyres have a 100kph speed limit. Due to our axle loading the suppliers have assured us we can safely use them at 110kph for short periods, however the Auckland Local Committee view dated 18th Dec 2018 is that “Until such time as a National Standard is agreed upon, the Auckland Local Committee’s stance is that J-Rates tyres should not be fitted to operational vehicles (any already on should be identified)”.
The Auckland Local needs to identify all appliances in Auckland with J speed rated tyres. If an appliance is found to have J-Rated tyres fitted, the Officer in Charge shall immediately contact their Area Manager, informing them of the tyres and that until such time that the J-Rated Tyres are replaced the appliance will be responding to all emergencies at normal road speed.
Once operational crews have checked appliances, please report back any instances of J-Rated Tyres via email to Terry Bird, kiwiterrybird@gmail.com of the Auckland Local who will compile a list. Also ensure that other personnel at your station are suitably informed by email so that we do not receive repeated replies.
Particular attention should be made of relief appliances, however support vehicles and volunteer appliances on composite stations should also be checked.
See picture below to assist with identifying J rated tyres.