Local Executive Meeting: Date: 18 April 2007 Union Office Time: 0930
Present: Morgan Wills,MW; Rob Hutchison, RH; Gary Johnstone, GJ; Steve Field,SF; Ian Wright, IW; Kevin Dorgan, KD; Joe Murphy, JM;
Paul Smith, PS; Malcolm Hodgson, MH; Mike Tofts, MT; Johnsonville 281 crew.
Apologies: Steve Hudson, SH; Hamish Rankine,HR Matters Arising: Matters for action from last meeting were discussed.
SF, Hutt Fire
Why didn't go to 2nd alarm? And why did 23 do the standby |
IW Check on standby process should have come from hutt district. KD will check on status in comcen. IW to Talk to SSO re alarm calls. |
MH, Masterton excessive hours;
CFO is writing asking questions re members working over their hours when Masterton aren't. |
Hours of work and fatigue policy discussed. MSM is the key principle here. IW to talk to Masterton members re hours of work and OT issues. |
MH, SFF acting up under sect66 Masterton; | Masterton Local issue, IW to check whether there is an issue over there as Central branch pres. |
MT, High Angle Committee, Update;
Wanted an update on progress |
IW to kick it into action, hasn't had much time lately. |
MT, Porirua toilet block;
Questioned what is happening, rumours from Dunphy have emerged, might be stopped etc. |
PS to get minimum standards from DOL re showers and toilets and changing facilities. BIA. GO from there re Porirua. |
KD Comms issues;
Senior comms trg issues, job share arrangements. (creates a vacancy, have to watch the MSM as it takes so long to train) New member on board now. Only two non members in Central comms. |
GJ, Various;
Members are working below the adult minimum wage. Members are not actually knowing what the Union asked for in the contract. Meeting with Wgtn free hasn't happened yet, why not? Did we get the information from HAZMAT unit calls and work? |
Members were told what our offer was at the Union meeting to vote on industrial action. Ambo meeting hasn't been held, IW too busy with National stuff. GJ to look at arranging the meeting. Information was given to DB. |
IW, OSH 4WD Stn 48, Electric blanket testing. | IW to write to Kennedy station, Trentham volly's only when 487 and 491 are not available, training issue for stn 49 drivers. OSH discussion re Butzbach and Hutch. IW to write NTM regarding elections and electric blanket testing. |
D Best Contracts etc
Talked about the proposed contract and court case DIL Stuff etc. |