Mediation was held in the ERA on Monday 24 August regarding the payment of overtime for members. As a result of this, roster officers will be able to log onto the Fire Service SMS rostering to complete the roster for the purpose of catching up past overtime claims and continuing claims during the strike action.

Roster officers will be paid overtime to carry out the catch-up claims. The Union is aware that members require their payments for overtime as soon as possible. This is the only way that we can assure members that this will occur.

Attached is a copy of the ERA Mediated Settlement.

Clarification of strike action as discussed with the Fire Service is as follows:

The NZPFU and the Fire Service have worked constructively to try and obtain clarity in terms of the strike action. The following clarity is the result of those efforts.

Accident Reports will also be completed manually, which includes investigations and remedial action for hazards.

It was always a given by the Union that operations would not be impaired in any way. This therefore means that normal incident records will be maintained during the industrial action. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Breathing apparatus tallies
  • Breathing apparatus entry control boards
  • Nominal roll tallies
  • Incident action plans
  • Command and Control organizational structure charts
  • Recording of incident risks and hazards
  • Use of hazard guide forms
  • Record of persons decontaminated
  • Labeling defective equipment
  • Labeling clothes and equipment for decontamination

Any work required other than emergency work will not be done anywhere. Off Station non-emergency work would require organization at the workplace and therefore will not be undertaken.

Members will not be able to use computers unless they work at one of the Comcens or are on the NTC 0309 course or on a Command Unit at a fire or other incident. Computers used at fires in Command Units will be used.

There will be no work carried out by Union members unless it is related directly to restoring appliances to operational readiness. This means that no routine repairs and maintenance on Level 3 or 4 PPE will be done unless there are no spare suits to replace those used. Routine testing, maintenance and repairs of other equipment including BA and hose will only be undertaken if it is necessary to ensure an adequate supply for operational response.

Members at NTC will not be able to use computers at all for RIFTB, BATB and water supplies except for the NTC 0309 Trainee Firefighters Course.

Fleet management will have to be done by someone other than Union members. Members will change appliances if necessary but will not be able to move appliances around for servicing etc.

FAIP Interventions will not be conducted by members on Blue, Red, Green, Brown and Yellow Watches.

Promotional exams will be attended.

Promotional interviews will be attended.


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Please read to the end.