The Local has been advised that with the introduction of new hydraulic rescue equipment, a proposal has been made by FENZ, through Area Management, to remove the trolleys carrying the rescue gear from Auckland career staffed Rescue Tenders.

The introduction of the trolley concept was a Local initiative implemented several years ago to assist the deployment of rescue equipment at incidents.

The Local is concerned that the trolleys will be removed before the conclusion of the consultation process, any testing of an alternative system of rescue equipment deployment and subsequent comparison with the current trolley system that is in place.

We are concerned that once a decision is made, it will be very difficult to go backwards if it is later found that the new process is ineffective or worse.

The Local has asked Regional Management that prior to any decision being made on the future of the rescue trolley, a Working Party is put together, in conjunction with the Local, to trial and compare both the current system with the trolley, and the new system without.

This Working Party can then report back its findings to the Operational Equipment Group with a recommendation for the future of the rescue trolley for the Auckland areas.

We therefore advise members to hold off taking any appliance to a Brigade Service Provider for appliance modifications, and to cease any and all training with this new equipment, until such time as consultation and discussion has been conducted, and all Health and Safety concerns are considered and addressed. 

If members are instructed to take an appliance for modification, please contact a member of the Local Executive immediately.

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Please read to the end.