Members should be aware of what is transpiring in the Auckland Local and in fact across the country with consistent attacks on MSM (minimum Shift Manning). Members are encouraged to go to and read for themselves the debacle that Auckland regional management are creating.

Wellington local members are advised that we are under attack also.We too have CFO’s and Regional Managers that do not value MSM and as a result are willing to put fire-fighters and public in danger due to short crewing.

Regional Manager Butzbach has indicated to this local and others, that he does not believe in maintaining the MSM of the GreaterWellington Brigade.

He is it seems quite willing to allow appliances to ride short and or to ride with Station officer unqualified SFF’s. This in itself appears to be contrary to the requirements of riding in charge of an appliance and the terms and conditions laid out in the collective in respect officer qualifications.

It seems to this local that FRM Butzbach and others wish for a return to the days of the miserably failed CST initiative where no one was qualified to ride anything.

Members are advised that this local has had an agreement that dates back to 2002 (NTM 09/02) and states “that in the event of extreme shortages and if no other option at all exists the on call CFO/DCFO is to be contacted. The on call CFO/DCFO has the authority to make a decision to allow available personnel to work the required shift” … “ the member should in essence be stood down from routine duties for the 3rd shift.”

Therefore, until further advised, this is the local’s stance, no other agreement has been reached with management and given early indications from them, it is unlikely we will reach further agreement. This is mainly because there is a huge gap between what this local sees as important i.e. maintaining MSM for everyone’s safety and managements cut price fire service where fire-fighter safety is second to cost cutting.

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Annual General Meeting

Members are advised that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, notice is given for the Auckland Local Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 23 August 2024.


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Election of Northcom Representative - Auckland Local Committee

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Northcom Representative – Auckland Local Committee, the following nomination has been received.