Members will by now be aware that the Fire Service has purchased new BA sets for all of the country. They have decided, against the wishes of the Union and their members, to also utilise the supplier, Drager, for all testing, servicing and repairing of these sets.

During the recent industrial action, because there was no training being done, they have issued these sets to Volunteer Brigades. It is now timely for the sets to be introduced to Professional Firefighters around the country.  

The Union is aware that many of our trained and expert Breathing Apparatus Technicians, who for many years have maintained and serviced our sets to the highest standards, have now fallen out of certification. They are no longer able to, and should not repair, test, or service any of the current sets.  

The Fire Service does not require these members of the Union to do this task from now on. They have agreed to send any current sets out to the supplier for testing or repair. The Union concurs with this.

It is therefore apparent that no Union member will have anything to do with the recording, setting up, or numbering of these new sets. Sets will be supplied by the management of the Brigade for replacement of those currently in use.

A training package for the conversion to the new sets will be held prior to this. In addition to this, in those Brigades that will be using the enhanced telemetry sets, more detailed training will be provided.

This training will be the same as any training for our members and may take the form of a Train the Trainer exercise before general training is given.

The Union Committee is very uncomfortable about the Fire Service’s decision to take testing and repairs away from Union members. To that end, the Union believes that members should have nothing whatsoever to do with any minor repairs to any part of the new sets at all.

It should all be covered by the contract with Drager.

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Please read to the end.