The Union is aware that the Capital Expenditure Program for the Christchurch Brigade has been altered, without consultation, by the Regional Commander Rob Saunders. The most disturbing matter that affects our members is the deletion of the funding for exhaust extraction systems for Woolston, Harewood and St Albans stations.

These extractors have been the subject of many hours of negotiation between the Union and the fire service and had been finally approved through the Regional Health and Safety Committee.

This is a health and safety matter and the Union has instigated workplace hazard notices to the CFO.

It is apparent that the Regional Commander, Transalpine has no regard what so ever for the health, safety or wellbeing of firefighters in his region.

It would seem that the recent vote of no confidence by the Christchurch Local and the Timaru Local in this person was well founded.

It denotes that either the Regional Commander is completely out of touch with the reality of the dangers of exhaust fumes, or, is simply playing games with members’ health and safety and using this as some kind of retaliation to the vote of no confidence.

Yet another matter is the funding for the air conditioners for the city station offices. These offices get very hot during the summer months due to the fact that they face north. There has been investigation, consultation and approval to install heat pumps/conditioners in these offices. This also has been changed and required yet more investigation before the Regional Manager will sign this off.

It is noticeable that the Region Office has heat pumps/conditioners installed already.

This is also the same Regional Manager that has refused to complete the PCA.

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Please read to the end.