The NZPFU supports the NZEI and PPTA industrial action calling on Government to address critical issues in the education section including lowering the teacher to child ratios, recognising the importance of quality teaching through more staff, better support and fair pay.

Early childhood, primary and secondary teachers and principles are taking to the streets next Thursday 16 March 2023 and we encourage all NZPFU members to demonstrate their support. 

The education sector unions stood with the NZPFU last year both supporting our campaign and turning up to the strike rally’s across the country.  They need our support now as they too are fighting for the Government to value their role in our communities and the importance of properly resourced schools.  This is not just an issue for parents and caregivers – quality education affects the whole community and the future of all children.

We are asking every Local to organise off-duty members to attend the rally’s wearing NZPFU t-shirts and flying NZPFU flags to show our support.

For those off duty and able to attend check out the location of the events in your area:   

For those that cannot attend the action on Thursday there are other ways you can show your support:

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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